The adventure may be over for PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 players, but Final Fantasy XI lives on on PC nearly 14 years after it’s initial launch
Category: Video Games
Games writers should have standards – and expect others to uphold them too
Robert Florence was right to discuss the issue of journalistic standards, and those who don’t uphold them
Continue reading Games writers should have standards – and expect others to uphold them too
Should Square Enix have let Sleeping Dogs lie?
Square Enix called Activision ‘crazy’ for dropping Sleeping Dogs, but has it’s performance proven them right?
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Retrospective: Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic may have been born on the Mega Drive, but his debut 8bit adventure stands as one of his finest moments.
Is The Last of Us really too violent?
The Last of Us came in for criticism over the levels of violence after its E3 showing, but really it fits the world it’s in argues Alex Walker